Behaviour programmes

- One-to-one programmes ideal for dogs displaying aggressive behaviour towards people and/or dogs (even if the underlying motivation might not be aggressive itself), issues being left home alone, panic in any environment, inappropriate/misplaced chasing or general nerves, anxiety or fear
- Often behaviour problems become habitual for dogs, the longer the problem has gone on, the harder it is to change these habits. Because of this little can be done to resolve issues in a single session
- Programmes offer a number of sessions to provide longer term support, allowing you to see long term success. We focus on helping you address the root cause of your dog’s behaviour rather than simply stopping the behaviour
- Our coaches have lived with dogs with behavioural concerns so know what the ups and downs of living with these dogs involve and they are able to coach you through the trials and tribulations of daily life with your dog
- The goal of our programmes is to give you the skills to work with your dog for life so that you don’t need to rely on our support for extended periods of time
How we work

Veterinary Referral
Please note that we only work off veterinary referral. You can learn more about the veterinary referral process HERE.
There are discounts on one-to-one programmes that are booked with our Reactive Rovers classes. Email [email protected] to activate this if it applies to you. Discounts are available for anyone employed in the emergency services (police, any NHS employee, fire fighting). Please provide proof of employment when enquiring about a programme for this discount to be applied. Carers are entitled to discounts, please email us to activate this. Payment plans are available for these services and can be activated at any point in the booking process.
- 3 x one hour one-to-one sessions
- 4 x fifteen minute support calls
- Personalised tracking system to monitor how you and your dog are progressing
- Report sent after each session
- Reports to your veterinarian as requested upon veterinary referral
- Lifetime support via email, text, or any of our social media platforms
- A maximum of 3 months to use all sessions (minimum of 3 weeks)
- Please note that home visits incur a 45p per mile (from your coach’s home) fuel charge in addition to the price above for each home visit
- 5 x one hour one-to-one sessions
- 6 x fifteen minute support calls
- Personalised tracking system to monitor how you and your dog are progressing
- Report sent after each session
- Reports to your veterinarian as requested upon veterinary referral
- Lifetime support via email, text, or any of our social media platforms
- A maximum of 5 months to use all sessions (minimum of 5 weeks)
- Please note that home visits incur a 45p per mile (from your coach’s home) fuel charge in addition to the price above for each home visit
- 8 x one hour one-to-one sessions
- 9 x fifteen minute support calls
- Personalised tracking system to monitor how you and your dog are progressing
- Report sent after each session
- Reports to your veterinarian as requested upon veterinary referral
- Lifetime support via email, text, or any of our social media platforms
- A maximum of 8 months to use all sessions (minimum of 8 weeks)
- Please note that home visits incur a 45p per mile (from your coach’s home) fuel charge in addition to the price above for each home visit
By clicking any of the ‘book now’ buttons you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions
Most frequently asked questions and answers
Before we book any sessions you’ll be sent a behaviour history form to fill in which helps us identify how much work you need and how long the undesirable behaviour(s) have been an issue. Once we’ve reviewed your form we’ll be in touch to offer a free no-obligation discovery call to discuss your options or to book you in. It’s at this point that we can discuss how many sessions to expect.
Full payment of your chosen programme or the first payment in your payment plan is due as soon as your first session is confirmed as in the diary.
Absolutely! We understand that we’re asking you to pay a lot of money to people you likely won’t have met in person at the time of payment. If you feel more comfortable booking a smaller programme and upgrading after you feel more comfortable with us then we want you to have that option!
Typically coaches try to keep between three to five exercises per session. However this does depend on the content covered and the issues being addressed, sometimes we deal with one or two small things in addition to the typical three to five exercises.
Everyone in the family can attend if they wish to. For insurance purposes however we are unable to have minors (<18) attend without an adult.
Sessions can take place at your home, on a walk local to you (booked as a home visit), you can come to the Great Field in Poundbury or sessions can be done online via technology if you prefer. Dependent on the restrictions in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus, home visits and in-person sessions may not be an option at the time of booking. Behaviours that need to be addressed in the home will be addressed via technology in the event that a home visit is not possible.
Programmes can go on for no longer than one session per month. The bronze, silver and gold programmes can be used over three, five and eight months respectively. You are of course welcome to complete your programme sooner than this. We recommend a minimum of one week in between sessions, with most clients choosing to book in roughly every one to two weeks.
Except in the case of extenuating circumstances these programmes are nonrefundable, either for the whole programme or as single sessions. The money is however transferrable to one of our other services.
Not a problem! Multi-dog households can come with a whole host of undesirable behaviours stemming from how your dogs interact with one another. The price per programme remains the same regardless of how many dogs are involved.